November 23, 2011

Chalkboard stairs - a work in progress

I love doing whimsical creative projects around the home.

What is more fun then chalkboards?!?
I decided my stairs needed some sprucing up and some magic!

Making chalkboard paint is EASY PEASY! All you need is:

1)  2tbsp non-sanded grout ( you can get this at almost any hardware supply store)

2)  1 cup of paint. Craft paint or even wall acrylic paint.

3)  Mix well and then PAINT! THAT SIMPLE! Do make sure to condition the chalkboard by using the side of a chalk and rubbing it all over after the paint is VERY dry. Wipe it down and you are ready to go!

I decided to go with black to REALLY give it a chalkboard look but you can make it in any colour your little creative imagination can dream up.

This was my "attempt" I thought it turned out well enough.

So I went on to do more steps a few days later. I found out that I need to use up the paint I make and not save it. It seems to bubble more easily if you save any paint.

I still have the rest of the steps to finish up and I will be doing the right side of the wall in chalkboard paint !! Will update once that is done.

Having fun with the chalkboard stairs...

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