September 7, 2012


I'm back....

I am feeling healthier and stronger lately.. and I miss blogging!!!

I am going back to work in a month after 3 years of being a SAHM.  Feeling very nervous about it!

I have been cooking A LOT of new recipes.  No pictures :/ but I will blog about my experiences with them.  I have a few AMAZING recipes to share with you and some that really flopped.  Maybe I did something horribly wrong?  If you can figure out what I did so wrong let me know!!

I am excited to be back :)


March 6, 2012

Apples for March.

I cried in a super market yesterday.  In the produce aisle of my Loblaws.  I never thought apples could make me cry.  But there I was, apple in hand, tearing up.  I continued to tear as I put the apples into the little bag and into my cart.  The tears kept coming as I was scanning for best prices for bread.  I wasn't crying or sobbing.. just.. tearing.. My nine year old asked me why I was crying.....
"Because of the Sonya apples.. "

I didn't even know there was such a thing as Sonya apples.. How fitting to find them in March.. The month of her birth.. The month of her gentle passing...
Sonya apples, as I have come to find out, our juicy and sweet and very yummy!  I do believe Sonya herself would have enjoyed them.  I can't help but wonder if she knew of apples named Sonya.. I am sure she would have gotten a kick out of them.

I miss you dearly... I am so thankful for Sonya apples...

February 8, 2012

Cookies in a Jar - Chocolate Chip M&M

One of my Favourite things to bake are cookies!! I can't get enough.

Getting to make yummy cookies and being able to share them to friends and family as gifts is a HUGE plus!  But how do you accomplish this and make sure the cookies stay fresh? By making Cookies in a jar of course :)

I made a few batches before I perfected it!

Recipe to put into the jars.

In a large Bowl Mix together:

2 1/4 cups of Flour
1/2 Sugar
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp baking soda

Mix well and add to the bottom of your jar.

Add  1/3 cups of Chocolate chips.

Then add 1/3 of M&M's of any colour you want.  You can make Christmas looking ones with Red and Green M&M or Valentines one with Red and White M&M's.

Next add a layer of 1/2 cup of ( packed) Brown sugar.

The next step is the fun part! You get to create a tag for your Jar.  You can do almost anything.  You could paint on some home made Chalkboard paint  and then write on the directions right on the jar.  I went with a Tag.  I added on bows but you can

The directions should be as follows.

Preheat over to 350 degrees.
Add the contents of the jar to a large bowl.
Mix in 2 eggs, 1 cup of butter and 2 tsps of Vanilla.
Mix till blended.  Place 1 inch balls on an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake for 8 - 10 mins or until the edge start to get golden.
Let them cool then ENJOY!

I had a great time with my 8 year old creating this recipe and eating the batches! It is a super cute gift and so simple to make!  I add on bows but you can decorate it anyway you want.  Get the kids involved especially if it is a gift for grandparents!

January 19, 2012

A very whippety ending!

I had to share this!
I currently lease a VW and will be leasing a new this year when the lease runs out.. I <3 VW.

This commercial tickled me like you would NOT believe! Enjoy!


Oh I do so <3 Whippeties!!!!

January 18, 2012

Pay-it-Forward 2012

I am very excited about 5 crafts I will be doing this year! Why? you ask... Because it is part of a pay-it-forward I decided to take part in on FaceBook :)

I have 5 lovely people I will be sending special hand made pressies for!  I have ideas galore!!! I have till the end of 2012 to get them out.  My goal is to send one out ever 2 -3 months or so.  I will be trying to send them out in the order I got the request on my facebook!

Are you doing a pay-it-forward?  Have you ever? How did it turn out? Let me know!

Stay posted for the pay-it-forward crafts!